This educational workshop was the first in a series of 3 workshops, organized successively in Bulgaria, Croatia and France. These activities have been proposed to test and implement the educational activities gathered in the YCARHE project resource center with young European volunteers. The aim is to lead them to pay more attention to the discovery of the rural heritage, and to support their actions in favor of its valorization.
The workshop in Bulgaria was focused on the link between natural heritage and cultural heritage and highlighted heritage interpretation techniques to make rural heritage more sensitive and personal for young people.
The workshop took place in Dragaveci, near Sofia, from 2016 October 23 to 28.
15 young people and 4 accompanying persons participated in the workshop.
The awareness workshop tested many activities based on heritage interpretation techniques to appeal to the sensitivity and personal curiosity of each young participant. Its main objective was to answer the question "how to interest young people in heritage?" by proposing numerous activities based on listening, creativity, reflection ... The workshop invited the group of young people to reflect on the notions of universality of the natural and cultural heritage, to analyze more or less successful educational experiences for young people in the field of heritage, and to discuss how heritage could support personal projects and entrepreneurship. The young participants also had to formulate projects based on heritage valorization.