In order to set up a European framework for training, helping youth workers to better integrate heritage discovery into their non-formal education activities for young people, YCARHe project partners wanted to bring together a team of around 30 trainers, youth workers and heritage education specialists.
The participants had to mutually strengthen their skills in management of heritage projects and youth group management following 4 complementary fields of intervention:
The workshop took place on Aegina Island at the Drury Center from September 3rd to 8th, 2016
It was organized in partnership with the CME Greece.
The workshop tested many educational resources for youth workers. These resources must support pedagogical activities to understand and make understand what is the rural heritage, to situate the heritage in the history and the life of a local community, to define new uses of heritage, learn to work with others, etc. These different pedagogical resources, proposed by trainers specialized in the field of heritage interpretation or group management have been adapted, enriched and validated.
They will be promoted through the YCARHe Resource Center, to European youth workers wishing to initiate heritage enhancement projects with young people, and to professionals of heritage mediation who wish to work more with young people through the YCARHe Resource Center.
These activities are tested and implemented with groups of young people in the framework of 3 awareness field workshops organized in Bulgaria, Croatia and France between November 2016 and June 2017.